Wennah Wilkers celebrates house at Bellevue Theatre

Wennah Wilkers celebrates house at Bellevue Theatre

The talented Wennah Wilkers, in co-production with Lloydscompany, will bring an ode to house dance to Bellevue Theatre Feb. 25. An international cast of exceptional performers will dance “Our House” to music by Matt Benyayer. The performance can be seen on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 8:30 p.m. at Bellevue Theatre.

Three Little Birds (4+)

Three Little Birds (4+)

An adventurous hip-hop dance-theater performance (4+)In the performance Three Little Birds, full of tricks, hip-hop, breakdance, acrobatics and games, we join the adventure of two little brothers who are allowed to camp in mom and dad's backyard on a hot summer day....

Lloyds Company

Lloydscompany brings together dancers, upcoming urban makers and the underground battle scene. With performances for theaters and festivals, Lloydscompany builds a bridge between the street and the stage.