A dreamy hip-hop dance performance for 4+
Sribi Switi is our first hiphopshow for children (4+), developed in 2022, and touring since then. In a playful dream world, two hip-hop dancers and a beatboxer take you on a nighttime journey to the land of imagination.
Anansi (the spider) and Myra (the ant) take you on their journey of discovery to the great wise garden spider. Together they explore a pleasant world where nothing is as it seems and where your dreams come true. Colors, sounds and characters that you only encounter in dreamland change in the same rhythm as the seasons. They come to life in this fantasy world where everything seems to float.
In Sribi Switi (Surinamese for ‘sleep well’), hip-hop dance styles such as popping, robotics, tutting and waving are mxed live with sounds, samples and music from a beatboxer. Sribi Switi is a playful performance with a universal story, inspired by both well-known Surinamese and Dutch children’s stories and songs.
Due to the great success in 2022, Sribi Switi was touring again in the Netherlands in 2024.
“Above all, Lloydscompany radiates multi-colored confidence. The addition of live music to the journey of discovery of the spider Anansi and the ant Myra is the ideal discovery of this first children’s performance by choreographer Lloyd Marengo” (Theaterkrant, The Netherlands).
“The performance lasts 45 minutes and you spend the entire time watching and listening mesmerized” ( Love Theater, The Netherlands).
Cast: Gerson Bouman (performance, singing), Neha Akhtar (performance), Ruud van Schaik (live music, singing, beatbox)
Concept / choreography: Lloyd Marengo in collaboration with dancers
Choreography assistant: Sheree Lenting
Music: Stijn van Strien
Spoken word: Burnice Hiwat
Set, costumes: Jorrien Schoneveld
Light design: Paul van Laak
Video: Jasper Spobeck
Technical info
minimal stage : 8 meters * 8 meters. The show needs a black dance floor. We travel with one technician, one tour manager and three performers (two dancers/ one beatboxer).
Bookings/more info
Pieterjan Jacobs
T: +31623672716
E: productie@lloydscompany.nl
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