I am my ancestors wildest dream

Through the eyes of choreographer Sheree Lenting you look at the wildest dreams of her foremothers. In choreographer Sheree Lenting’s performance she takes you into their untold stories from the past, present and future. She questions, researches and cherishes her women’s line.

The dancers are the embodiment of the stories. Cicely Wijnaldum and Ciara Hiwat take you into womanhood. With the power, wisdom and love of their female ancestors as a legacy, they look to their future with confidence.

“With a live hummed melody by one of the two performers, she lures the audience into a magical world that branches deep into the past of three generations of (pre)mothers through dance, spoken word, music and film projections” (Volkskrant, The Netherlands).

“In flowing duets, the dancers find each other in an organic mix of styles, grounded in African dance, contemporary and with a touch of hip-hop” (NRC, The Netherlands).

“On International Women’s Day, Ciara and Cicely impress with their strength, flexibility, empathy and dance together. These two women are very well attuned to each other and well matched” (I Love Theater, The Netherlands).

In May 2024 Sheree Lenting won the prestigious BNG Bank Dance Award for her choreography, which leads into another tour of 20 shows of I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams in fall 2024.

The jury sees in Sheree Lenting a curious, critical maker who carefully searches for a beautiful, poetic and rich (dance) language for sharing big and small stories. And even though these can seem difficult and complicated, she knows how to make them accessible. The jury believes there is much more potential waiting in this maker. Sheree has many more stories to tell, in all sorts of ways” (Jury BNG Bank Dance Award).

Double bill
POWER 2 was part of a double bill that toured in The Netherlands in 2024. Two powerful performances, both personal journeys of the makers, highlight origins, strength and creativity from two different perspectives.
“The two diametrically different duets in this diptych – one by men, one by women – both exude perseverance, physical tensile strength and mental elasticity” (Volkskrant, The Netherlands).

Performance: Cicely Wijnaldum, Ciara Hiwat
Choreography: Sheree Lenting in collaboration with Cicely Wijnaldum and Ciara Hiwat
Music: HAYP MUSIC (Patrick Mijnals & Alvin Lewis)
Spoken word: Burnice Hiwat
Light design, technics: Jeroen Pluijmers
Video: Danny Stolker

Technical info
minimal stage : 8 meters *  8 meters. Power 2 needs a black dance floor and one projector for the visuals. We travel with one technician, one tour manager and two dancers (and in case of the double bill three dancers).

Bookings / more info
Pieterjan Jacobs
T:  +31623672716
E:  productie@lloydscompany.nl